I first tasted great bourbon back in 2014 when a friend introduced me to Garrison Brothers Bourbon made in Hye, TX. Since then I’ve been on a quest to taste all the best bourbons made in America. My palate has evolved over the last few years and I’ve been able to narrow down what I really enjoy. Garrison Brothers Bourbon is still my favorite and is made by some of the finest folks you’ll ever meet.

I’m often asked to recommend bourbon, and what I like may differ from what you like, and that’s okay. So I always say, drink what you like, as long as it’s bourbon. Below are a few pictures I’ve taken, most of Garrison Brothers, but there are a few other great bourbons mixed in there.


“Too much of anything is bad, but too much good whiskey is barely enough.” - Mark Twain


Mixer Rogers


California/Sierra Nevada Mountains